1st Online European Universities Bridge Trophy - Regulations
Captains are obliged to contact other captains of their group and play 32 boards (2x16, you can change one air after first half) match on BBO. They also need to inform when you are going to play particular match and to send *.LIN (BBO file containing all data of played boards) after the match to kubakasprzak@o2.pl.
VP table is up to 25-0. (send to kubakasprzak@o2.pl only result in IMP and *.LIN file - at least one player must play and finish the match using downloadable version of BBO to have all data in one file)
Organizing Committee has a right to disqualify a team if there is reasonable suspicion of illegal play
Group stage (of 3 teams) - till the end of February
- 1 match of 32 boards with each opponent
- 1st team from each group goes to knock-out stage
- 10 best teams from 2nd places play one match (opponents are chosen randomly)
- every team from 3rd place ends at this stage
- results of not played matches (until the end of Feb) will automatically be scored 8 - 8 VP, or 18 - 0 VP if only one team is responsible
- results will not be published until the end of all matches in all groups
- the winner of the both matches is 1st in the group, then VP decides, then IMP
Knock-out stage
- 16 teams - March
- 8 teams - April...