2020 FISU WUC Mind Sports Online

2020 FISU WUC Mind Sports Online

Hereby, we would like to invite you for the 2020 FISU World University Championship Mind Sports online. This FISU Championships will take place on 26-30 October 2020 and will replace the onsite FISU event of 2020 which was foreseen in September 2020 in Bydgoszcz (Poland).

1. Official timeline

14 August 2020: Opening of the registration

11 October 2020: Closing of the registration

20 October 2020: Competition Draw & final schedule

22 October 2020: General Technical meeting (online)

2. Competition format (26-30 October 2020) for Bridge

26-28 October: Round Robin (if possible)

29-30 October: Knock out stage (Semi finals and Finals)

Matches will be played on BBO between 9h and 22h CET.

3. Registration and eligibility

Registration must be done via the National University Sports Federation (NUSF, contacts can be found on www.fisu.net) so please get in contact with them. Any country can enter 5 National University teams (students may be from different universities). NUSF will inform you about all additional technical and event regulations.

Students eligibility:

– Be a national of the country they represent

– Be at least 18 and no older than 25 years of age on the 31st December of the year of the event; for 2020, athletes must be born between the 01/01/1995 and the 31/12/2002;

4. Fair play

We trust on a “university spirit” of all athletes. Any violence against “fair play” will be judged by WBF official bodies and may lead to exclusion of WBF and FISU events for long periods. Different anti-cheating measures will be taken:

– video camera is mandatory during play (on Zoom)

– no kibitzers allowed

– no running scores

– no chat allowed with and by athletes

– vugraph, if any, will be delayed by 15 minutes

– monitoring of all matches by accredited directors


Entries for this event are for free. (unless specified differently by NUSF)

6. Contact or questions

For all additional information go to the OC website: wucmindsports2020.ukw.edu.pl

If you have any question, remark or need for help, please contact Geert Magerman: geert.magerman@telenet.be or +32477861213

We hope to see you at the online bridge Championships of FISU and WBF!